Welcome to the first post of this blog.
Meh. That was fairly bland so far as introductions go... Let's try that again.
Greetings fellow cyber readers!
Wow. That was pretty geeky. One more try.
If you're reading this, you must either know who I am, or you just tend to be masochistic and enjoy reading the ramblings of a teenager.
Say... That wasn't too bad. Okay, on to the show.
Most of the people who read this will already know me. In case you don't however, my name is Eli. I live in the Southern part of the United States. I am a musician, a lover of fine art in all forms, an older brother to 3 boys, and a cashier in my local mall.
There really is no set purpose for this blog. If you're entertained by my ramblings, then my wildest dreams will have been surpassed. So really, just have fun with whatever I say. I am by no means the smartest guy in the world, so if you ever disagree with me, feel free to send me a message or comment or whatever. I probably won't see it, but if it makes you feel better, then it was worth the effort to type out your message.
As I already said, I really have no goal in mind for this blog. The subject matter is going to fluctuate greatly from post to post. I do want to lay some groundwork down however, just so the readers will understand where I am coming from.
1. I am a Christian.
I believe that man is inherently sinful, and that God sent his only son Jesus to save us from that sin. I believe that men tend towards evil rather than towards good. I believe that the Bible is the Word of God, and God instructs us through his Word. This is what influences my views
2. I am an artist.
I am a musician, so I appreciate art in all of its forms. Theatre (yes, I spell it the snobby way), Movies, Music, Painting, Sculpting. You name it. I do (or will learn to) accept it. There are different levels of art though, with Rap and Modern Paintings being near the bottom, and Musical Theatre and Movies being near the top. Art is one of the main influences on culture, so if people keep up with the arts, they will understand the culture they live in. I'm sure I'll dedicate many posts to art discussion, so more on this later.
3. I am politically aware.
I used to consider myself a Republican, but I began to realize that parties now days are just different names for the same kinds of snakes. So, I am now a "Conservative with enough Libertarian to be interesting". You have been warned.
4. I am a geek.
Just to clarify: geeks are nerds with social skills. I am an avid Star Wars fan. I like Star Trek. I have watched an enjoyed Dr. Who, but I lost my interest when David Tennant regenerated. Sci-fi is my jam.
5. I am a guy.
This should be a no-brainer, but since this is true, I obviously will think like a guy. Braveheart is better than the Notebook. Meat is better than salad. You get the idea.
6. I strive to have class.
There are very few things more disgusting to me than the concept of "swag". Little boys have swag. Men have class. If it were up to me, no man would leave his house without proper attire. This would include, but not be limited to, collared shirts, ties, suits, slacks, etc. Jeans and t-shirts are acceptable, but only if they fit. No "pants on the ground" in my world.
7. I will not be proofreading this blog.
If you have a problem with sentence structure, misspelled words, or accidental wrong facts, keep said problem to yourself. I proofread my papers, not my ramblings. If it REALLY bothers you, send me a message. I most likely won't read it, but if it makes you feel better...
Now that we have the preliminary stuff out of the way, it will be interesting to see where this blog goes. So without further ado... let's go.
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