Sunday, May 19, 2013

Chivalry is Dead... and Feminism Killed It.

Sorry for the delay. I wrote this a few days ago, but never got around to posting it. 

Well, here we are again. I wasn’t sure if I was going to be serious or goofy for my next post; serious won out.

Just recently a friend of mine on Facebook posted something close to the following:
“Men should open doors for women. MY man will.”

This got me thinking. Why is it that men tend to not have the same respect for women that they had 60, even 40 years ago? Even small gestures like door opening have been lost. I figured out I already knew the answer: Feminism killed the concept of chivalry.

Now before I lose all my female readers (all three of them), bear with me here. I have the utmost respect for women. I believe that women can perform many of the tasks that men can, and women should have an equal standing in our society. However, I also think that there are tasks that men are more suited to perform, and there are other tasks that women would be able to do better.

Feminists on the other hand tend to think that women can and should be able to do EVERY task that men do. They believe in absolute equality: even if the task is more suited to the stereotypically male skill set. Not only do they believe this, they go out of their way to prove it.

How would this belief destroy the chivalrous ideals that men used to have? I got my answer in a worldview class I took in high school. We were discussing interpersonal relationships, and the teacher asked the girls what a prospective date should do when they came to a door. Much to my surprise, most of the girls said they really did not care, or did not want the guy to open the door for them.
The teacher asked them why they said this, and the general responses were as follows:

“I can open the door myself.”

“It’s awkward waiting for the door to open.”

“I’m not a cripple.”

Here’s the thing ladies, we know we can do it for yourself. We know that you are capable of living your life without men holding doors for you. But as soon as you try to prove you are equal to men, and start telling us that you don’t WANT us to show respect like that, we’ll stop. It’s that simple. Men tend to be lazy, and it’s not like we enjoy opening car doors for ladies. And when we stop performing the little gestures like that, we start to lose respect for said ladies. When respect leaves, chivalry stops soon after.

So ladies: make the men respect you. Expect the small gestures, because when he can’t do the simple things, he won’t be able to do the big ones.

Men: just because the lady can do it does not mean that you should not show her the respect she deserves. Open the door. It’s not that hard.

I most likely will choose a goofy topic for next time, so stay tuned. It should be fun.

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