So. Ben Affleck. If you keep up at all with Superhero movies, you probably heard that "Man of Steel 2" is going to feature Batman.
Just last week, it was announced that Ben Affleck would take the role of Batman. Many fans cried out in anguish, their hopes of seeing Christian Bale crushed under the weight of reality (or lack thereof).
People are worried that Affleck will not have the aggressive power necessary to fill Bale's overly large boots. He certainly has the charisma to play Bruce Wayne, but it's a bit harder to see him growling at thugs as he beats the crap out of them. I think if handled correctly though, this would be a great opportunity to redefine Batman, as well as take the character in a new direction.
First off, we need to establish why Batman needs redefining. Reportedly, the concept of this new movie will hinge on a "Batman vs Superman" type of deal.
Let's face it. Rehashing Christopher Nolan's Batman would be cause absolute boredom. Plus, that Batman has no chance in a fight with the Man of Steel. Superman leveled half of Metropolis in his fight with Zod. As Batman currently stands, his best weapon is the fear that he strikes in his opponents' hearts. Superman is obviously not going to be scared of Batman; the dude is practically invincible.
However, redefining Batman would open new doors for the character, as well as make him a better opponent for everybody's favorite boy in blue. There are several ways we could do this.
#1. Fighting Style
Christopher Nolan made a good choice when he redefined Batman. His approach is ultra-realistic, and every part of every movie helps show that. Batman thus uses very quick and efficient blows to subdue his opponents (I believe the art they used is Krav Maga, but I could be wrong).
Was that cool for the movies? Sure. Batman was going up against reasonably powerful foes, and could beat them with that kind of style. However, how do you beat someone who can take missiles to the chest and survive? You have to be a bit flashier to do that.
One way to give Batsy an edge would be to give him really cool gadgets. Freeze Grenades, Smoke Pellets, Batarangs (explosive, shock, or sonic), Electric Brass Knuckles, whatever.
Batman needs more toys.
To provide a decent challenge for Superman, Batman is going to need a lot of tricks up his sleeve. Plus, it'll be cool.
The other thing to do is get rid of the Krav Maga, and bring in a flashier fighting style that'll make Batman seem more powerful. Something more like what we see in almost every other Batman interpretation.
#2. Costume
To separate this new Batman from the previous installments, we also can change the costume. This will serve to provide a visual reminder of how different he is, as well as give him new opportunity to have gadgets (Nolan's Batman really didn't have anywhere to store cool toys). I'm thinking something a bit darker, as well as more futuristic.
This might work, but I think we need to separate the look even more.
Batman Beyond is a good look, and obviously it can be tweaked if necessary.
An armored Batman with an assortment of gadgets is a more reasonable opponent to the Man of Steel.
#3. Personality
Here is where choosing Ben Affleck comes into play. Rather than portraying Batman as Wayne's conduit for his inner torment, Batman could be the manifestation of a darker personality that surfaces when Wayne is confronted by problems. This would be a more interesting "Jekyll and Hyde" relationship that Affleck would portray well. Affleck could pull off the nice and charitable Bruce Wayne quite well; his Wayne would have almost no hint of the damage that most actors try to show is hidden behind Wayne's smile. However, when the cowl comes on, Batman would become the vicious, angry vigilante that plagues Gotham's underworld.
Playing Batman like "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" would make a darker interpretation that we have yet to truly see in the films.
Let's see the Batman that isn't really a good guy. The Batman that's more concerned with justice than the letter of the law. We've seen hints at this, but never has it been taken to its fullest extent. It would make Batman less heroic, but when put up against Superman, we need an antithesis to his good. Seeing two characters with similar goals, but incredibly different methods would make great character interaction.
In short, Ben Affleck will probably make a good choice for Batsy, so long as the character is reinterpreted. If he isn't however... The series will probably implode on itself, and Marvel will be King of the Comic Book Movie.
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